Today was Wacky Wednesday. Mr. Haynie and I were in the spirit of things.
And...we weren't the only fun-loving, spirited teachers. Oh, my, no. Here are a few more wacky colleagues from our office area.
Mr. Kline may not look so wacky to you, dear readers, but if you understand that he is wearing one of Mr. Haynie's vests from Guatemala--hahahaha--then you can understand just how truly "out of the box" Mr. Kline was today. Yesirree, they don't come much wackier than the teachers in Office B200.
The funniest reactions I got all day were from people noticing my socks. It was funny to watch their faces. They would see me and give me a little grin, and then their eyes would go down towards my feet, and they would get this flicker of an odd expression on their faces. Like...Really?? She's wearing that?? Made me realize that people probably scan me from head to toe all the time, but because I usually look "put together," there isn't that swift glance of scorn that crosses their faces...
It also made me realize how much we do try to look "put together" every day, and what a funny spoof it is on life to have a wacky dress-up day, where we deliberately break the codes.
Eric dressed up a bit for homecoming week. They had some really hard things to dress up for though (like movie day, but it had to be from three specific movies), so he didn't do it all week.
Oh...and you look great. The funny thing about your outfit is that it's not all that different from what some kids wear. At least the leggings and socks part. The flowery skirt is a little weird though. :)
Interesting choices. Reminds me of someone I know, but of course I will not say who that someone is in a public forum like this. :)
I'm sure you had a good time!
Oh, I miss Homecoming week at OCHS. I also miss the last day of school before Christmas break when everyone in B-200 wears their tacky Christmas sweaters. Will you please try to remember to take a picture of that for me? Especially of Laura and her sweater that lights up?
You're right Kathy, you do usually look very put together and professional. I suppose that makes your "wacky" outfit even more hilarious.
As it turns to fall here in Everett, I miss the colors of Oregon and the smell of the leaves. Those were busy days, like these, but I loved them and lived into them. How miss all those dear OCHS people. Give them my love, okay!
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