Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I-Spy Fabric Ball

Katie's mother-in-law, Trish, sent photos of a beautiful fabric ball she made for her darling grandson, Calvin.

 Love the red polka-dot middles with the bright I-spy fabrics on the outside. 

Calvin approves!

Lucky little boy to have such a doting grandma!

To make your own fabric ball, click here for the tutorial.

(If you're interested in a few stats, you might like to know that the fabric ball tutorial just keeps chugging along. It gets around 30-40 hits every day, from readers all over the world. It is far-and-away my most popular post ever, with a total of over 18,000 views so far. Not bad for a little grandma blog!)


  1. My mother made these fabric balls for her first grandchildren 35 years ago....we still have the one she made for Sean....and it is nice to know that seven of Mum's grandchildren also played with it! A durable toy with lots of memories. :-)

  2. Ack! Seven of Mum's great grandchildren played with grandchildren. Laughing.....
