Monday, April 12, 2010

Fabric Balls - Update

Looking for the giveaway? Click here!

Susan from Mesquite Toy Lady emailed to say that she has made several of the fabric balls for her nieces and nephews. But the best thing is that she made one to give away through her sneaky giveaway program. She drops off toys at different sites in town and lets children find them and adopt them! What fun would that be! Check out her blog and all the darling toys she has made for her toy giveaway. Here's a photo of one of the balls she made.
Looks like Susan did something I've been thinking about...she added some cute buttons at the intersections to that pink one at the top and the blue and green one in the lower left corner. (Do sew buttons on VERY securely, and keep choking hazards in mind...) I keep thinking I should put a little jingle bell inside the ball as I'm stuffing it.

For instructions on making these balls, here's the link on my blog.


  1. Momma Julia much prefers the bell(s) inside to the buttons outside. They look cute, but I remember how we worked the inside seams out of the one we had growing up. It was cool to have the ball get smaller and bigger, but I would worry about small kids getting them in a windpipe.

    Glad to see that so many people have enjoyed your famous fabric balls!

  2. They look great! I wonder how many kids in the world will be getting fabric balls now thanks to your tutorial?
