Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spring Break, 2014

I am a wealthy woman. Nine children, 25 grandchildren, my mother living in my home…so many rich blessings! Tomorrow wraps up this year's spring break. So grateful for the sweet time with family!!

We spent four days in Columbus, Ohio, meeting our newest little grandbaby, Felix. He and big sis Olivia were so much fun. Bryan had just finished the first round of his optometry boards, and it was great to relax with him. Katie is starting up a business venture, Snapbibs, and it was amazing to see her "factory" first hand!

Is it just me, or does Felix have some serious dance moves that he's working on?? He's a cool customer.

Then this weekend we've had a dear visit from Kendra and Abbi, Charlie, and Lilly. Today we marked the one-year anniversary of my dad's death with an outing to Camassia. It was sweet to hear my mom promising her sweetheart that she would be sealed to him in the temple in August.

 Finished off today with the amazing and powerful General Women's Conference! Wow! So many wonderful things to contemplate and ponder. I am grateful to be a woman in the 21st century. I treasured the time to sit with Kendra and Mom. Sarah and Kat were there, too! I thought about all my dear daughters, step-daughters, and daughters-in-law…and two more granddaughters Katie C and Audrey…tears flowed as I knew that most of them were watching it along with us in other meeting houses or online. A grand worldwide sisterhood, and my family and I are part of it.

I loved the way the meeting was rich and deeply spiritual and at the same time, accessible to the girls 8 years old and older, who were invited to this meeting for the first time. Some of my favorite quotes…

"We are covenant-making women of all ages" [eight-year-old women - love it!] "As we strive to keep our covenants, our feelings of inadequacy fade." - Sister Wixom, Gen. Primary President

"There is nothing that is worth losing our divine compassion and sisterhood over." "There is no age barrier when it comes to Christlike service." "Reach out to help one another through transitions and milestones." "We need deep, satisfying, and loyal friendships with each other." [quoted from Marjorie Hinckley] "Not only love each other more, but love each other better" - Sister Oscarson, Gen. YW President

We make it through life with "the Atonement of Christ, the guidance of the Holy Ghost, and the helping hands of others." - Sister Burton, Gen. RS President

"Listening to the sacrament prayers each week renews the feelings that I felt at baptism." "What we think divides us falls away…we are more alike as daughters of God than we are different." - President Eyring

The time went by so quickly! So much fun, laughter…a few tears and frustrations, too, but that's part of life, right?
     Spring break…ahhh…summer is around the corner!

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