Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Laurel Lane Christmas 2013

 Merry Christmas!
The tree is loaded this year - with ornaments from our stash + Nana's

 Nana's fun Christmas collections

 New to the decorations this year - 

And a beautiful quilt made from Granddad's shirts.
What a treasure. Thank you, Polly!
It was fun to have Dad be a part of the day.

Christmas day
We went for a beautiful afternoon walk along the Willamette River Esplanade in Portland.

 Mom and I waved to the Amtrak passengers.
Some of them waved back.
One guy blew a kiss. :)

 Christmas Eve - time with the Palshikar grandchildren
Nana and Sarah

 Sarah with her new "pet rat." 
This one won't die in a few months.

 Kat hugging a new "pet rat" with Josh

 Sarah and Kat with the stuffed pink unicorn…I couldn't resist!
Sometimes a grandma's gotta do what a grandma's gotta do.
They promised they'd share.

 Week before Christmas - Hunter brought his mom and dad over for dinner.

Nana setting up a nativity scene.
She had so much fun decorating this year!

We loved skyping and texting and talking with dear family today. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. So glad the quilts were all enjoyed. The backing seems all the more appropriate after seeing how you chose to spend the afternoon.
