Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Archive: Spider Spells

I've decided to pull something from my writing archives every Friday. For today's post, I thought I'd share an autumn poem. I think I wrote it in approximately 1992. It still makes me smile.

Spider Spells

There are those who
make a big deal out of
autumn leaves.

Not me.

I watch, wait for silken strings
of spiders’ webs.

The webs draw lines across my face
when I, innocent, walk past trees.
I know winter’s darker days are waiting.

Where have the spiders been all summer?
Hidden deep in blackberry vines, no doubt,
spinning webs, spinning spells,
drinking the juice of the black, black berries.

But now, now that the nights are colder
they weave their webs across the skies
and catch the stars
to drink their juice,
to touch my face
with magic.


  1. We had a big spiderweb in our yard for several weeks that made me think of you. I don't like spiders as much now that we find black widows in the yard. :/ I try to leave all the other spiders alone, though to compete with the black widows.

  2. I really like this.

    Also, it reminds me of our house (your house). There are so many spiders there.

  3. I have always loved this poem. I remember taking pictures to go with it when you first wrote it.

    There is something very magical about fall spider webs.
