Monday, January 23, 2012

I'm not the only one dreaming of backpacking...

Mark and I inadvertently started a tradition with our grandchildren in 2007. We took Josh, then 7 years old, on his first backpacking trip.

Josh (age 7) , 2007 - Opal Creek

We discovered that 7 is a pretty good age to take a grandchild into the woods. Big enough to carry a small pack, ready for an adventure with grandparents, not so little that they cry and need their parents when the sun goes down. We've continued every year, adding in his sisters the year they turned 7.

 Josh (age 8), 2008 - Eagle Creek Trail

 Josh (age 9) with his friend Cameron, 2009 - lakes near Olallie Lake

 Kat & Sarah (age 7), 2009 - Twin Lakes

 Kat, Sarah (age 8) and Josh (age 10), 2010 - Ramona Falls

Sarah (age 9), me, Kat (age 9), Josh (age 11),  2011 - Opal Creek

Of course I can't help but talk up "when you get to go backpacking with us..." to our other grandchildren. Especially the ones who will soon be seven.

And Katie will be next to join the summer backpacking trips, because she just turned 7 last week!

This afternoon her mom noticed she was working on a little writing project, all on her own. No prompting, just being literary all by herself. After a while she went to play somewhere else, and Polly took a peek to see what Katie had been up to...
"I will be going bac[k]pac[k]ing with my grandma, granpa, cusuns, me! I will like it."

I love love love this fabulous artwork and the fine writing that accompanies it.

Be sure to notice that along with her illustration of all of us backpacking is a trail sign to Ramona Falls.
The last time we visited, Katie was fascinated to hear that I had taken her cousins backpacking to Ramona Falls one year. Katie loves the Beverly Cleary books about Ramona, and she immediately said that's where she wants to go backpacking!

Sounds good to me. Stay tuned for a summer backpacking trip with Katie and cousins to Ramona Falls in 2012.


  1. Great place to go! Do you camp up on the ledge? You know where our "secret" place is, don't you?

  2. My Katie had fun reading your post. She's definitely been thinking about backpacking.

  3. I wanna go hiking too! I have been looking at day hikes around here to get myself ready for a week long backpack that Scott wants to do this summer.
