Friday, December 2, 2011

It's beginning to look...

...a lot little bit like Christmas!

 Arora "stretches" to place the star on top

Ender supervises

We pulled out the 4' fake tree this evening and spent some fun holiday moments. The kids were excited to have a tree, and didn't seem to mind that it was just a tabletop version. This holiday season will be more complicated with David and Holly moving to Wisconsin,* so we decided to keep the decorations simple for now.

*Yes, I said Wisconsin. David was hired yesterday by Epic, a company near Madison. They make computer systems for large hospitals. He will be a liaison on project installations. He is flying to Madison on Sunday morning, to begin work on Monday. Holly and the kids will stay here with us for a little while longer, while David secures housing for the family. We are thrilled for David to be working again...and trying not to think about how much we will miss this precious family. It has been sweet to share our home with them the past four months...


  1. Your little tree looks nice. Our kids love having our tree up too...although they keep asking when Santa is going to come...It might be a long month.

  2. Wisconsin is pretty great, and now you have the perfect excuse to explore a new state. And Epic is awesome. You'll have to explore it too. You and my parents can caravan over together. :-)

  3. Sarah may have a good idea. How much fun could we have hiking and camping together along the way? :)
