Saturday, November 26, 2011

Fat Albert's Christmas Star

This is Fat Albert. I didn't make up his name. That's what his tag said when we bought him at the nursery in spring of 2007. (He's the fat little evergreen on the left.)

Fat Albert has grown a lot! 
Here is a photo of Fat Albert today, 4 1/2 years after he began his sojourn in our yard on Laurel Lane.

This morning I noticed that Fat Albert is getting into the Christmas spirit. 
He's added a maple leaf star to the top. He's quite the festive yard resident.
Happy Holiday season to everyone, from Fat Albert!


  1. Love the star! Good for you to catch the moment in photo before it blows away. :) I thought about putting up a Christmas tree today, but realized it was still a week until December, and decided it could wait.

  2. Nice job, Fat Albert! I have to say he looks better than he did when you first planted him. We're hoping to get our Christmas tree up in the next couple days.
