Sunday, July 31, 2011

Trip Tally

Mark and I made it safely home on Friday afternoon. Oh, it was heavenly to sleep in our own bed again!

We traveled from Oregon to New Jersey and back again.
In all, we...

traveled through 17 states
camped 3 nights (I wish it could have been more)
stayed in motels 2 nights
stayed with much-loved family 18 nights
visited 10 grandchildren and 2 foster grandchildren.

We also...

traveled 7,374 miles.
burned up 257 gallons of gas (29 miles / gallon!).
spent $1005 on gas.

Would I do it again? Sure! In a couple of years...
In the meantime, we will probably try to visit these dear families via air travel.

And since we traveled through Kansas, I feel justified in quoting Dorothy:
"There's no place like home!"

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it home safely. Look forward to our visit at the end of August!
