Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 13: Kansas or Bust!

We had planned to camp between Ohio and Kansas, but when we looked at the weather forecast: HOT, HOT, HOT, we decided to push through to Kansas yesterday. It meant spending 12+ hours in the car, but it was worth it to spend an extra evening with Kendra and David and their families here in Kansas.

 Here we are, looking cool hot at a rest stop in Illinois. Only 5 hours to go...

 Crossing the Mississippi - leaving Illinois and entering Missouri!
We went through 5 states yesterday:
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas

 Toy clean-up this morning at Kendra's house.
(Andie, Arora, Kendra with Ender, Chris, Gavin)

 Grandpa Mark playing trains with the kids
(Abbi, Arora, Gavin, Charlie)


 Arora and Abbi playing trains

Ender at snack time
(He weighs the same as Maddy!)

Signing off now to have more fun with grandkids...


  1. Yep, being in an air-conditioned car (even for LONG periods of time) is easier than trying to camp in the humid heat! Glad you made it okay, and it looks like everyone is having a good time. How the kids have grown!! (PS..It's raining back home...and it's kind of nice... :)

  2. Nice pictures. Maddy now weighs 23lbs. It looks as though Ender will out grow Maddy leaps and bounds. And Maddy has had her Gtube/button removed today.

  3. What a FANTASTIC trip this is for you--I am loving following your adventures and seeing the faces of all your children and grandchildren. Try to stay cool . . . it's POURING rain here tonight and I just got home from a walk in the thick of it all. My gore-tex jacket is soaked . . . but ah, I do love me the northwest! Wouldn't trade this rain for that heat EVER.
