Lillian "Lilly" Kendyl Last was born this morning.
She weighed 7 lb 11 oz...exactly what her mama, Kendra weighed! And they are both the 3rd child in their family.
Lilly's middle name comes from her mother's name, and also my father's name (Kendall), who Kendra was named for almost 30 years ago.
Other stats: 19 3/4" long. She has LOTS of dark hair - so pretty! And a darling double chin.
If I can figure out how to upload photos from my phone, I'll add a photo of her to the blog.
Congratulations, Kendra and Chris! Welcome Lilly!
(Correction: In my last post, I said that Maleena was due to have her son in May.
Nope, I goofed--he's due June 28. Keep growing, little guy!)
Welcome, Lilly! She is certainly blessed to be born into a wonderful family unit. Best wishes for all!
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