Sunday, December 5, 2010

I'm putting Christmas on hold this week...

...because we have a new trimester starting tomorrow morning! We are now 1/3 of the way through this school year. Tomorrow morning at 7:40 am I will greet 37 new students for the first time, and we'll launch into the beginning of the "Oregon Literature - Past" course. (I teach "Oregon Literature - Present" in the spring.")

I think I'm ready to go. I have revamped my lesson plans and grading system that I used in the fall. I have a two-week unit ready to go, to get us through until the winter break. I have a shiny new seating chart prepared, and I'm heading to bed a little early.

I am SO grateful that I get to teach teenagers. I am SO grateful that I get to work with Mark every day. I am a lucky, lucky woman. I get to teach!

(Thanks to son-in-law Mike K for finding today's image. When I tried to find google a "trimester" picture to add to this post, I mostly got pregnancy images. Mike had a different idea for a google search, which worked better than mine.)


  1. The seating chart was always the most important part for me feeling ready for a new class.

  2. I've got Christmas on "hold", too. But I don't have a wonderful excuse like you do...I'm just not ready to dig out all the decorations yet. :) What books do your students read for this class?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love to Water My Soul ( the first 115 pages) by Jane Kirkpatrick, and The Jump-Off Creek by Molly Gloss.

    We also read excerpts from the Lewis and Clark journals, Oregon Trail diaries and letters, and short stories set in Oregon from the 1840s to 1910s.

  5. OK.. this should work better..

  6. Great picture Mike - thank you! I'll add it to the post.
