Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dear Garden

You may be small, but you are mighty!
You did a great job with the heat we had last week.

The lettuce didn't bolt...

...and the new little baby kale plants are hanging in there.
Your blueberries are sooooooo yummy. Can't get enough of 'em! And that lavender smells heavenly.

The zucchini is playing hide and seek...won't be long now! Come out, come out, wherever you are...

We'll soon have ripe beans...

...but tomatoes may take a little longer...

...and beets will be ready to pick in another week or so.

And who would have believed that you would already produce 21 pounds of potatoes from some little volunteer plants. Wow! These are so, so delicious.

Dear Garden, I love you so. Thank you for all the yummy healthiness you bring into my life!


  1. You almost have a whole borshte soup if you had cabbage and carrots there too. Too bad I am not there to make you soup. Hope someone will care for your garden while you are away, and it won't die in your heat. Happy growing!

  2. You have a wonderful garden, and I thoroughly enjoyed the fresh lettuce that you shared with us last week. Thank you again!
