Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thesis Update: Week 3

Wrote on 5 different days this week. We had a lot going on with Julia and kids moving out, but I am pleased to report that I met my goal for the week. 

Week 3 stats:

Number of words this week: about 7,275
Number of pages this week: 22
Number of total pages this summer: 60

Goal for the coming week: at least 85 pages by the end of the week.
(ie - I need to write 25 pages this week.)

Goal by Sept 1: 200 pages
140 to go!


  1. I think it is great that you are posting your progress on your writing goal. What a good way to stay accountable.

  2. You're making consistent progress!!

  3. Beautiful pictures!
    What a great adventure , I really enjoyed reading your post.
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    warm wishes ,
    Mina ( Brazil)
