Wednesday, March 3, 2010


A year ago yesterday we went to the Clackamas County Courthouse and legally adopted Maleena into our family.

A year ago today Mark went in for a biopsy on his prostate, and a week later we found out he had cancer. (He had surgery in June; cancer is gone.)

These were huge events in our family. What a lot has happened in the last year! I am so grateful for our family to be healthy and moving forward.

I love you all, each one: Mark, Mom, Dad, LaVerne, Maleena, Max, Angela, Tim, Audrey, Sam, J.J., Joshua, Hillary, Ethan, Nathan, Ashley, Blake, Baby Girl, Julia, Michael, Joshua P, Sarah, Kat, Maddy, Polly, Eric, Katie, Seth, Rebecca, Kendra, Chris, Abbi, Charlie, David, Holly, Arora, Baby Mayer, Katie, Bryan, Olivia, Maury, Linda, Greg, Cheryl, Michel, Julie...


  1. I love you too mama K! Hasn't it been a crazy year!!!?? I can't believe all that happened only a year ago. Things change and happen so fast.

    Oh, and ps: I've been a little MIA lately in the blog realm, sorry for not commenting! But I love ya! And I'm back. I think. :)

  2. You guys are such a great example of love! Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. I love hearing from you.

  3. This is a good way to remind me that next year we will look back on today and it will just be another anniversary.

