Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby Valentine

What a funny world we live in...I have a new grandson, and I know about him because of text messages! His mama (Angela) obviously had more important things to do, so she sent us these messages yesterday:

12:15 pm  Water broke, on the way to the hospital
10:28 pm  Labor progressing well, about to start pushing
11:13 pm 8 lbs 5 oz, blonde/red hair, born at 10:45 pm

Yay! We don't know his name yet. They had a list of favorite names picked out when I talked to her a few days ago, but they wanted to wait until meeting him before making the final decision. ("Cupid" was not on the list, even though yesterday was his due date.)

We can't wait to go see him (they live in San Francisco) over spring break!


  1. Congratulations!! It is funny, though... texting through labor and delivery! Oh well, those messages must have been fun to receive. :)

  2. Hooray--another grandbaby. Congratulations to you and Mark.

  3. lol, I sent very similar texts to my mom while I was in labor... but I did call her once I got a chance, promise! Congrats on the new baby and I hope Angela is doing great!
