Tuesday, January 5, 2010

More wagging

I saw a bumper sticker last night that read,
"More wagging, less barking."

I admit I had to think about that for a minute! But then it made me smile.

I wondered what other animal signals might work?
More purring, less scratching?
More honking, less pooping? (geese)

I really like this philosophy. Wars might end if we all did more wagging, and less barking.

I didn't get the dog-loving genes, but I sure get the picture. That wagging doggy tail and butt signal welcome, friendship, no aggression, before anything is even said. Kind of like the other side of "presume welcome." If we should all presume welcome, then we should all extend welcome, as well.

I had this thought in mind as my students entered my classroom this morning. First period after a two-week break. They were glad to be back with their friends, but not so glad to be back in school, if you get my drift. But I think they felt welcomed, and we had a good morning together.

How do you extend welcome to others?


  1. I would like to say that I wag my tail when I meet people. But I think trying to keep a twinkle in my eye and a smile on my face tends to help. Keeping my voice soft spoken and looking a person in the eye when I speak to them, or when they are speaking to me generally helps.

  2. A grin works. Not quite with a wink, but almost. People almost always respond positively...like they're in on the joke (whatever it is.)

  3. When I first graduated from college, I was living in NW Washington by myself. I was lonely and struggling with the transition from a large, rich community to life outside of college. I emailed one of my favorite professors about my situation, and he replied with some very wise words: "Annemarie, you might be lonely, but I'll bet that there are others in your new town who are lonely too. Instead of sitting there waiting for someone to extend to you, go out and find folks who need YOUR friendship."

    You know what? It worked. I wagged my tail and barked some friendly barks, and before I knew it, I had some very dear friends again. Since then, everywhere I go, I always assume that someone down the block needs me just as much as I need them. It's served me well these past 12 years.
