Saturday, November 7, 2009

Our Play Day at Home

The first Saturday of the month is Play Day for Mark and me, but today we decided to play at home. The weather was stormy, with thunder, lightning, and a monsoon or two. We were exhausted. The last couple of weeks have been draining at work, and we had a wonderful, but tiring weekend last week in Utah. To top it off, the house was in serious need of attention, so we just enjoyed working on our home together. It was a fun day!

Oh, boy, the dust bunnies were taking over the kitchen. I did some serious de-cluttering on the countertops, and Mark swept and mopped until the floor was gleaming.

The laundry needed to be done, of course. (The washing machine is starting to make some worrisome noises...Mark looked at it but couldn't figure out what was wrong. We may have to call the Maytag guy.)

I made a batch of our healthy trail mix to take in our lunches to work. Yum! Only 100 calories per bag.

Mark vacuumed downstairs and I vacuumed upstairs. I don't have a photo of it, but we also scrubbed the upstairs bathrooms until they were all sparkly, too.

We had a yummy dinner--that's me making salads to go with the pork chops. (If you look closely, behind me you can see the nifty cookbook holder that Bryan made for me last Christmas, and a handmade basket from Kendra.) After dinner we went to do our weekly grocery shopping. On the way to the store, we lost control of the car and ended up in the drive through at Dairy Queen. I don't get how that always happens! Since we were there, Mark got a pumpkin blizzard and I got a vanilla shake. It was our Play Day, after all!


  1. Glad you had fun cleaning up the house! And I like the new title. :)

  2. Wonderful! We had just the same kind of day and LOVED it. (Check out my blog post...) :)

    Getting "older" has it's perks, and one of them is knowing how to appreciate the ordinary things in life. :)

  3. PS...I also approve of your new title! Also, you had me worried when you wrote that you lost control of your car...good thing it had a happy ending. (Yum)

  4. Hooray for play days at home. Sometimes just hiding away quietly is all you need to feel like you've had an adventure. Hope you are both taking care after a few really challenging weeks. I've been thinking about you.

  5. Sometimes I LOVE those days of just cleaning together! You feel so fulfilled in the end. :)

  6. I also was worried when i read "lost control of the car" I had to re read the sentence a second time. I am so glad you and Mark have a play day. it is important to keep fun in our lives.
