Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"The report of my death is an exaggeration"

Aunt Mary Anne is alive!!

The life support systems weren't pulled last night after all, because the proper documents hadn't been signed. By the time the family went in this morning, she had rallied! The doctors put in a pacemaker, and it's working. Her heart is strong, and she is breathing on her own.

My cousin told my other aunt that "she is aware, and feisty." That sounds like my Aunt Mary Anne! They are keeping her sedated for now. I wish I had more news, but I imagine it changes frequently, so it will be best for me to wait patiently.

It was odd for me to hear this afternoon that she hadn't died. To be so far away, and have this whole assumption in my head...my reaction when I learned that she is alive was, "What?!?" I was almost thinking, "Wait - she's supposed to be dead!" That sounds awful, but it's true. I had been grieving for her all day, and when I got off work and called home to tell them I was on my way, I heard the news. It's kind of embarrassing that I had her dead in my imagination, when really she was fighting to stay alive. It makes me feel a little guilty somehow. As if I shouldn't have assumed that of her; I should have had more faith and assume she would somehow pull through.

Well, my own silly guilty feelings aside, this experience has certainly given me a tender opportunity to reflect on God's plan for each of us here on earth, and on His tender mercies and miracles. I am deeply grateful that I get to be here on the planet for now, and I am so happy to continue to share it with Aunt Mary Anne, at least for now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wonder how Aunt Mary Anne would feel knowing that you're representing her with a picture of Mark Twain. Also, I'm glad she's still alive and "feisty."

  3. Hooray for Aunt Mary Anne!! She's a gal full of surprises. :) Don't feel guilty, Kathy...sounds like she's the kind of person who would have a good chuckle if she knew what you were thinking.

  4. I only put the Twain photo up because he said that ("The report of my death is an exaggeration") one time after he had been confused with a cousin who died.

    I had heard of this quote years ago, but then I had recently read in several places that he didn't actually say it. I checked Snopes, and they said that he is more commonly attributed to say, "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated," which isn't exactly accurate. The title of this blog is, apparently, the thing he actually did say.

    Of course, it would be even funnier if the quote were an exaggeration, and I was off on all counts - Mary Anne's misreported death, and Twain's misreported quote.
