Thinking about what the spirit taught me after the sump pump incident--that the promptings are out there all the time, but we just need to learn to hear them--it dawned on me that most of the time we go through our days subsisting on a nibble and a sip of the spirit, when really there's a feast out there. Like the difference between how much we eat on normal days and how much we eat on Fast Sundays.
Wouldn't it be cool to feast on the Spirit every day? Instead of just nibbling and sipping?
No joke, Audrey is washing the wall with my toothbrush this minute-This does not make me happy- It is amazing to me how I find more opportunities to feel the spirit of the Holy Ghost daily when I control my abrupt negative responses to any situation. My girlfriend puts a book of mormon on each of her kids cereal bowl the night before. They read before eating breakfast every morning-